NMEA0183 to Ethernet converter is Add-on module compatible with every Yacht Router models. It will give you ability to connect any NMEA0183 source (e.g. GPS, plotter, sounder, etc) to Yacht Router for purpose of getting NMEA0183 data in TCP format available on your Vessel Network both over WIFI or Ethernet. In addition to NMEA0183, device will also work with RS232 protocol over dedicated connector. Converter is compatible with any TCP based device (e.g. routers, switches, computers) from other manufacturers.
Price: 75 € (Price does not include VAT)

NMEA2000 to Ethernet converter provides NMEA2000 data streams using TCP and/or UDP protocols and has a bi-directional converter between NMEA 0183 and NMEA 2000. This allows viewing of navigational data including AIS as well as managing NMEA equipment including autopilot from virtually all marine software. The Converter has three data servers (TCP/UDP), which allows tailored settings for different applications. Converter is Add-on module compatible with every Yacht Router model. It is also compatible with any TCP based device (e.g. routers, switches, computers) from other manufacturers.
Price: 147,00 € (Price does not include VAT)

Detailed Specifications
NMEA0183 to Ethernet Contverter
NMEA2000 to Ethernet Contverter
Hardware installation