Cloud Service is reliable, secure and simple way to connect remotely (over the Internet) to your vessel equipped with Yacht Router. Cloud Service is available for all Yacht Router models (Micro, Mini, Standard and Pro). You can use Cloud service on your smartphone, tablet or computer.
With Cloud Service you can easily connect to navigation (MFD) and control systems, cameras, NMEA2000 networks or any other IP based devices. Cloud service is tested with following systems:

Example: if you connect Yacht Router to B&G system, you will be able to use B&G Link app (Android/iPhone/iPad) locally when you are connected to Yacht Router WIFI. You do not have to connect directly to a WIFI transmitted by B&G plotter anymore. It means you will have internet on your phone (from Yacht Router WIFI) and at the same time you will be able to access B&G plotter. Moreover, B&G will have internet access from Yacht Router too, so you can easily download GIRB files or make chart or system update.
When you want to connect remotely (over the Internet) to your B&G plotter, first you will connect your smartphone to Yacht Router Cloud and then you will use B&G Link app the same way you are using it on your boat. Now, you can enjoy your dinner at the restaurant with greater peace of mind, knowing that you can easily check your boat position, depth or wind speed or even check boat cameras.
When you are connecting to your vessel via Cloud Service, you can also choose Internet connection route that you want to use. That is very important!
Example: if you are connecting to your vessel cameras, you want to be sure that you are not connecting via expensive Inmarsat or Iridium satellite connection. Instead, you will choose to connect via 3G/4G/5G or WIFI connection.
Yacht Router Cloud Service subscription is based on Yacht Router model, price starting at 4.69 €/month for Yacht Router Micro.
For more information, please contact our sales at